Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Project Check List


  • 1967 Ford F100 (Dad's original PU) Body Work stalled for over two years @ Autowerks
  • 1967 Ford F100 4x4 - Old Cemetary Truck being finished @ Ted's in primer - almost ready for paint
  • 1970 Chevy C-10 4X4 - sell or store (also have 72 GMC in pieces as a parts truck for this truck)


  • Better in the Dark - How terrorists might really do harm to USA / how the Blind save the day
  • Noise - gal with a supernatural gift to hear past and future changes the world
  • Inversia - a world where everything is upside down

Home Projects

  • finish tile in my bath
  • finish siding on stairs
  • build garage / repair roof -paint current shed to keep useable

Is the Farm Ever Finished?

Ever wake up realizing that in your dreams you solved all your problems? I did this morning. The hard part was facing them in the dreams; facing my areas of weakness, responsiblilty, neglect, mental game playing and deferment.

In a rather funny episode I was sitting in a chair holding a check whose numbers were somehow tied to the stock market. As I sat there complaining how hard it would be to get up I also watched the numbers on the $13000 check drop to $12500 to $12000 and so on. When they finally got to $10000, I was able to get out of the chair. I stood there shaking my head at how easy it was to get out of the chair. I immediately ran across the street to the bank and deposited the check.

One of the specific weaknesses that I addressed was my seeming inability to finish projects. I am not kidding, I have 3 major projects underway, each needing several months to complete. I have 2 or 3 projects that could be finished in a few hours. I have no less than three books that I need to finish reading. I have two books under construction. I am in the process of developing a new business venture. If you look at my profile you will see that I have serveral other blog ideas waiting in the wings. I also have another whole profile with it's own blog ideas. The one blog I do contribute to consistently is TogetherOne propheT.

All this "hanging" would make any other sane person slip on the ice of a nervous breakdown. So far I am just a bit frustrated. It's not that I never finish anything. There are many landmarks of completion that mark my life journey. I can start listing excuses (the biggest one being a bout with cancer starting three years ago), but that is not needed.

This blog is first, in true creativist fashion, about reaping the brain for ideas. It's OK to come up with ideas. It's OK to only document them. If that is all you want to do, that's allowed. The rub of starting them and not following through though is, at the very least, annoying to those around you who have to tolerate their limbo-nic impact. So this blog will also address how to plan and execute those ideas worthy of the next steps.

This blog will dialogue how proclivities in creativity and imagination can create distractions if not properly channeled. It is a place that I will track my progress in tackling my own back log of implemented ideas in progress. I will determine which ideas are worth pusuing. I will develop a check list that will also be a path for completion of each of the idea projects that are worthy of such. I will categorize, prioritize, and implement. You will have the opportunity to peer over my sholder as I pursue these goals.

This place will also perform as a clearinghouse for those new ideas that might (not might, WILL) pop up in the days ahead. It is also a place for those who want to dialogue about my (or their) ideas.

You may also be someone looking for an idea person for your own project. That could be arranged. You'll just need to finish the project on your own.